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5 Free Tools for Creating Unique Images – SMF360

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5 Free Tools for Creating Unique Images – SMF360

A picture is worth 1,000 words, and the average length of an English word is 5 letters, it would take you 35.71 Tweets to tell the same story you could with one shared image on social media. So why wouldn’t you just include an image?

We know it can be difficult to come up with a fresh image for each social post you create, so we’ve put together this list of amazing tools to help you create free images for websites, social media posts, blogs and more.

While all of the resources on this list have a free version, some may require you to pay for additional features or access.

Image Design Tools

There are dozens of free image editing tools out there that you can use to start altering, touching up, or creating your own social images. These are some of the best ones we found with simple web-based interfaces.

1. Canva

Plan Upgrades: Canva for Work: $9.95/mo (pay annually), $12.95/mo (pay monthly)
Other Features: Infographics, Logos, Quotes, Collage, Cover Photos, Profiles and Resizing

canva screenshot

Canva is easily the most all-inclusive tool on this list. There are so many different design templates that make it easy for users to create images, build resumes or design book covers. Canva also has social media templates, making it easy to create social media images, including: cover photos, profile pictures, posts and advertisements.

2. PicMonkey

Plan Upgrades: Premium $3.99/mo (pay annually) or $7.99/mo (pay monthly), Supremium $8.33/mo.
Other Features: Logos, Quotes, Collage, Cover Photos, Profiles and Resizing

picmonkey screenshot

PicMonkey is a fantastic tool for editing or designing brand new images for your social media posts. One of the best parts of PicMonkey is its blog, where it publishes fantastic guides to help you create your own free images.

3. Stencil

Plan Upgrades: Pro: $9/mo (pay annually) or Unlimited: $19/mo (pay annually).
Other Features: Logos, Quotes, Collage, Cover Photos, Profiles and Resizing

stencil screenshot

If you’re looking to update just a few images a month without making a major investment, Stencil is perfect. The free version allows you to design 10 images a month, but only provides limited features.

4. BeFunky

Plan Upgrades: BeFunky Plus $2.91/mo (pay annually) or $4.95/mo (pay monthly)
Other Features: Infographics, Collage, Cover Photos, Profiles and Resizing

BeFunky is a photo editing tool that doesn’t require users to register, which is a big plus for a lot of people. The site has tools for editing and effects. BeFunky also includes tools for a collage maker.

It’s absolutely a breeze to use these image creation tools and publish them with our social media management software and Smart Inbox.

Infographic Makers

Using an infographic maker is an easy process to share large sets of data in visually pleasing content. This is why marketers still find infographics to be some of the most shareable types of content in the digital marketing space. Infographics are highly shareable when done right, which is why it’s important to select a quality tool to make them.

5. Venngage

Plan Upgrades: Premium $16/mo (pay annually), $17/mo (pay quarterly) or $19/mo (pay monthly) and Business $39/mo (pay annually), $43/mo (pay quarterly) or $49/mo (pay monthly)
Other Features: Infographics, Collage, Cover Photos, Profiles and Resizing

venngage screenshot

Venngage has both free and paid accounts that make it incredibly easy to create and share your own infographics. Simply choose a theme, alter the text and data, insert some graphics and share.


Plan Upgrades: Pro $19/mo (pay annually) or $25/mo (pay monthly), Business $67/mo (pay annually) or $79 (pay monthly)
Other Features: Logos screenshot is a high-quality tool for illustrating big data and creating ready-to-use infographics for your audience. There are a number of great features available for free, but to access the full suite of infographic tools, you’ll need a paid account for things like interactive maps.

And the best for GROWING YOUR BUSINESS is ZOHO One with many free tools for start ups or for businesses to try out.  Please click the following link ZOHO

We can help you grow your business start a free trial now here.


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5 Free Tools for Creating Unique Images – SMF360

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5 Free Tools for Creating Unique Images – SMF360

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