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What is digital transformation?

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What is digital transformation?

That it's digital transformation is a fundamental change and it all starts with how you buy or sell to your customers.

Today you have to take the lead in digital transformation, think fast, innovate fast and new products (hope, not that you buy technological products) is that you improve your new products and that they are better than your competition.

Digital transformation is a change in your business process of people and machines.

It is the re-design of a company through the use of digital technology to improve the way it performs and serves its customers, collaborators and management. Digital is the use of the technology that generates, stores and processes the data.

76% of companies invest in emerging, impressive technology.  86% of companies think that investing in the cloud is key 25% of technologos in companies will make the decisions of digital transformation in 2020. 23% of entrepreneurs decide and control the current process in their companies, this is the global reality.

In Latin America 83% of companies fail to transform due to lack of understanding, the results can affect you whether you are an entrepreneur or entrepreneur is critical that you connect your entire process of acquiring a client and keep it with processes, people and machines that actually communicate.

Mexico and Brazil countries of punta in the continuous search for digital transformation.

Be 19% Leader and Adopter.

Digital leaders

Digital transformation is rooted in the DNA of the business.

Digital Adopters

They have a mature digital plan, investments and innovations in place.

Digital Evaluators

Gradually adopting digital transformation and planning for the future.

Digital Followers

Very few digital investments; tentatively planning for the future.

Digital laggards

You don't have a digital plan; Limited initiatives and investments.

There will be no

In the next 10 years, for thinking of a future that did not exist, for not investing in its business and lack of planning.

Below you will find a basic test for you to evaluate as serious and how you are in the digital transformation landscape.

Take the test below and discover your benchmark and start by placing your company on the path of transformation, to meet the ever-changing demands of your customers. 

Take a look at the transformation of a company.

Transformation of a company

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Improve your results by starting with a scheduled call to understand your digital transformation challenges TODAY!

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What is digital transformation?

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What is digital transformation?

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