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4 Simple Ways to Grow Your Brand on Instagram and 3 Free Software to get you going

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4 Simple Ways to Grow Your Brand on Instagram and 3 Free Software to get you going

Instagram is one of the most widely used networks today that can help build a larger audience and following online, making it a must-engage tool for brands. Posting relevant images, ads and videos that your audience will love is just one part of the success formula.

Use the right hashtags and descriptions can be very effective in getting your brand seen on Instagram, and this involves careful attention to quality and a targeted message. Here are several ways your business can stand out from the rest and get you out there, but do not forget , Instagram is for Instant (Now). Remember the basics Social Media usage, Facebook I like Coffee, twitter I am going to drink a coffee and Instagram I am drinking Coffee.

1. Choose the right username.
Ensure that sure your brand name matches your other online properties as closely as possible such as your name or your branded company name. This will increase your chances of being seen and eliminates any confusion for your audience. A professional head shot or branded logo is also essential for recognition online.

2. Create outstanding visual content.
In the midst of thousands of images and videos being posted each second on Instagram it is important to create professional photos and short videos that stand out to your audience. Depending on your niche people generally want to see what’s going on in your world, what products or services you’re working on, how to do something or look a certain way, the best places to travel, etc.

3. Follow the guidelines.
Avoid keeping your brand from being banned or blocked by knowing the rules of Instagram. Because the social network is subject to spam they have strict policies in place that need to be followed in order to preserve your brand’s reputation online. This includes purchasing followers or making too many promotional posts.

4. Invest in advertising.
Social media is all about conversation, and today you can “sell” to your audience with posts that are promoted yet look similar to your regular posts. Many brands are getting more followers and engagement from these ads, which can be either an image or video.

The 3 free software and applications are as follows. Free Images
Adobe To make outanding post and videos.
Zoho Social free for one brand. The Best for Managing your Social Medias.

The most important of them all is the ZOHO Social as it let’s you integrate and capture data, it’s always listening for you and you can schedule all your messages once a week, letting focus on what really matters, if you spend more than 2 hours a week, you cannot be earning enough money as you are busy doing all the social media work and not focusing in what you need to focus, revenue and money.

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4 Simple Ways to Grow Your Brand on Instagram and 3 Free Software to get you going

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4 Simple Ways to Grow Your Brand on Instagram and 3 Free Software to get you going

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