3 Pilares para crecer: Personas, Procesos y Data con Tecnologia.

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Let the world's most trusted CRM take care of your sales

Zoho CRM powers a global network of more than 150,000 companies in 180 countries to convert more leads, engage with customers, and increase revenue. Transform your business with the world’s most popular customer relationship management software.

Zoho #1 Best CRM 2019

Zoho vs Salesforce  Price, Features & What’s Best in 2019. … Zoho is generally more affordable and is a better choice for most small businesses that need an integrated, all-in-one sales and productivity suite, while Salesforce is a powerful but complex software tool.

So who is better Zoho vs Salesforce.

One of the top reasons CRM implementations fail is because of poor user adoption. Employees resist change. To improve adoption and reduce resistance, involve your team early and along every step of the way. … Emphasize the importance of the CRM implementation both for the success of the company and them individually.  So is not only about pricing it is also about knowing who implements it.

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Google Trends – Zoho vs Salesforce Worldwide Interest Overtime ZOHO #1 Beats all competition.

The most searched CRM today ZOHO

Zoho Best

Zoho CRM is best for businesses that want an affordable all-in-one sales, HR, project management, and productivity suite. Zoho’s plans are generally less expensive than Salesforce, and they offer a free-forever tier with basic CRM functionality for up to three users, allowing smaller businesses to start with the features that fit their business, both today and as they grow.

Zoho vs Salesforce


Zoho Sign up Free Basic Configuration

Zoho Cost Calculations

Zoho One for sales marketing and finance and 42 more apps.
Sales is an essential part of any business. The more customers you win and sales you make, the faster your revenue grows. With greater revenue, you can increase investment in key areas of your business, including expanding your offering, increasing your marketing budget, opening a new location, hiring more employees, or rewarding your valuable employees. Your growth hinges on your sales team’s ability to turn people who are interested in your offering into customers. The success of your sales team depends on the tools and processes you give them.

Zoho One offers all the essential tools a sales team needs to qualify leads, make sales, and retain customers #1 Best Software

Zoro One all Enterprise for 10 Users: 3200
CRM Implementation and Training: 8495
The best and most economical investment for your business and class A1 Team $12695
note only CRM
Best Value Business Operation

*Ramping Rapid Program sales & marketing with SMF360 add $17370

Zoho best business award 2019 PC Magazine




I would say  that Zoho is “the intuitive Sales CRM” Zoho CRM is the most mature product in this portfolio and considered the flagship. Small to midsize businesses (SMB) looking for a robust and proven customer relationship management (CRM) system with an intuitive interface, good integrations, and a nice price, Zoho should definitely be a consideration.

Zoho has a community of more than 30 million users, a growing partner channel, a large choice of add-on products, a fast mobile application and its own email client – and it syncs with most Microsoft and Google apps. Its price-point for CRM – which tops out at $35 per month per user (it’s very powerful Professional version is only $20 per month per user) – makes it highly affordable.


You won’t find a nicer bunch of people than the ones who work for Zoho. But unfortunately most of their support is done overseas (primarily in India) so our clients (and we have more than a hundred that we serve using the application) routinely grumble of time delays and some communication problems when resolving technical issues. I shouldn’t complain too much because these support challenges turn into more service for my company! But still, that means more money spent by my clients. Zoho is powerful and perfect for a workgroup under 50 people but I’m still not convinced of its scalability.  It also faces very stiff competition from a number of equally powerful CRM applications (like those mentioned above).


Bottom line: For small and mid-market businesses you’ll get a powerful CRM without paying the higher price.

Here’s your takeaway: regardless of price, if you decide on any of the above three products it is highly likely you’ll be fine. The key is in how they’re setup and implemented. So instead of getting crazy over the features (they mostly have the same) take the time to find a good consulting partner (ahem…) and invest in training, training, training. You’ll find that just by using the out-of-the box features of these applications with minimal customizations will likely push your company a thousand miles ahead of where you are now.

SugarCRM Cost

SugarCRM does not include email marketing or marketing automation capabilities. There are a number of applications that can be “added-on” to SugarCRM but, there are additional costs and most importantly, you’ll need to move information back and forth between SugarCRM and the marketing systems you choose. In order to enable real-time response to customers engaging in your marketing messages, someone on your team will need to spend at least 15 to 20 hours per week maintaining things.

Sugar CRM Ultimate for 10 Users: $18000
Act-On or Marketo: $7200
CRM Implementation and Training: $8495
Marketing Content Strategy and Creative $4000

Salesforce Cost Calculations

Salesforce does not include email marketing or marketing automation without also subscribing to their Marketing Cloud or ExactTarget service. Of course, this is an additional cost and does require additional maintenance and moving information back and forth. Also, same day support response is what Salesforce calls Premium Support and that’s only included in their more expensive options. You’ll need to train someone on your staff to a pretty high level to maintain the whole system internally. If not, you’ll need an outside consultant to help set everything up and then stay involved to maintain and update things.

Zoho vs Salesforce

Salesforce Unlimited for 10 Users: $30000
Exact Target: $15000
CRM Implementation and Training: $9500
Marketing Content Strategy and Creative $4000
Total Investment = $58,500


The pros:

Salesforce is the grand-daddy of CRM applications and the one that’s most recognizable. It’s stock ticker is even CRM! Salesforce is powerful, scalable and includes just about any feature you would want from a CRM. The company has a large and passionate developer community and thousands of add-ins. Most major software vendors write tie-ins to Salesforce because of the application’s popularity in the business world. If you want to do anything with CRM, you can likely do it with Salesforce.

The cons:

Salesforce is the most expensive option of the three. Sure, there are price points below $50 per month per user but if you want to compare versions apple to apple with Microsoft and Zoho you’ll need their Enterprise model which is about $125 per user per month. Yes, there are many add-in choices, but these also add to the monthly cost. Most Salesforce partners charge at the higher end of the consulting rate scale and most of the companies that really take full advantage of the application’s power are large enough to have both internal and external resources (and the money) for development and support. For a small company (less than 25 users) it’s likely overkill. But don’t tell that to Salesforce: their sales team are about as aggressive as wolves. Hungry wolves.

Bottom line: You won’t get fired for buying Salesforce. But be prepared to spend.

Infusionsoft Cost Calculations

Infusionsoft requires consulting help to get customized and configured for your team. In particular for sales teams, the CRM capabilities and sales management capabilities typically need some attention. Customers tell us that Infusionsoft requires a tremendous amount of internal staff time to maintain. You’ll need to allocate at least 1/3 of a team member’s time to performing these tasks and that costs $$$.

Infusionsoft Team for 10 Users: $7188
Implementation and Training: $4000
Internal Staff to Maintain: $15000
Marketing Content Strategy and Creative $4000
TOTAl = $30,188

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