Often when I am asked, Max I need money to make money, well if you had money in the first place you would not need to make more money., just spend less, the other question I often get asked is “I need money to set a business up” I often reply of course you do if you are going to make 200 apartments, yes you do need money. But if you really want a business and be your own boss, there are 22 million thoughts that go through our brains every day, just choose the right idea for you, don’t be scared and plan to execute.
I strongly believe in 3 things that makes a business the right business. Work your metrics in all of those and by that I mean work your numbers right, if you need 3 customers per day, that is 15 per week that will generate US$500.00.
1 Work your marketing metric, the number of leads you need. If I need 10 prospects I need to have 30 leads (prospects) in my marketing funnel.
2 Make your sales metric and note your conversation rate. If I sell 3 out of 10 my win rate is 30%.
3 Have your money in rate well in the credit due rate, don”t let that go behind , if you can get paid before due date, good for you.
Have fun and tighten your belt.